
Hi, welcome to my food blog! Thank you so much for visiting and I really hope you find a recipe that you love and visit us again.

A Bit About Me:

I am originally from Trinidad and Tobago! I lived on the island until heading to college in the US. Hence, you will find a lot of my recipes have some sort of Trini/Caribbean flare. I settled in NY about 13 years ago after college. I love NY, it is rich in culture, with a variety of cuisines, the food options are awesome. This is where I met my amazing husband who is Brazilian Italian American. So, you will also see some foods from these cultures incorporated into my recipes. I also have to mention I love Mediterranean and Asian cuisines. That being said, you will find all sorts of recipes on my blog that I have cobbled together over the years, lots of variety and some fusion of different cuisines.

Why a Food Blog:

I love to cook, and over the years I have found most times I host a dinner party or BBQ someone asks for one of my recipes. I also have found for the majority of the recipes I try, I end up changing it in some way and thought it would be great to share the end result recipe with others.

I am also an extremely busy working mom who strives to cooks meals for my family as often as possible. I am always trying to create healthy and easy to make options, so that making a regular home-cooked meal is not an impossible task for my sometimes insane schedule.

Given all the modern day conveniences, it’s quite easy to pick up the phone and order delivery, or open that Grubhub or seamless or doordash or ubereats or …. app. However, with a little planning and prep work I have found ways to make some healthy quick meals which the whole family can enjoy.

I try to share healthy recipes, but I also get a bit naughty and share some of my go to recipes for those days when you need some extra comfort food! Or when you want a major crowd pleaser.

Hope you find something you like and you continue to join me on my quest to feed my family amazing meals while being a working mom!